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Barley Buzz

Posted on 28 May 2020

Clap For Carers – One Final Hurrah


Starting as a Twitter hashtag, the weekly clap for carers was introduced by Londoner Annemarie Plas as a way of showing appreciation for everything that our keyworkers are doing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Annemarie was inspired by similar initiatives across Europe and wanted to bring clap for carers to the UK. Her idea was that, at a chosen date and time, everyone who wanted to show their support and gratitude for all of our frontline workers could give them a round of applause outside of their home as a sign of unity and appreciation.

After trending all day on social media, Annemarie’s plan came into fruition. On Thursday 26th March at 8pm, hundreds of thousands of people clapped for our carers up and down the UK. People clapped on balconies, others on applauded on their doorsteps and some were even heard tapping saucepans with wooden spoons. It was a wonderful moment that brought about a real sense of community spirit and togetherness. But how did it make those on the frontline feel? At Barley View, the Thursday evening event has made such a difference to our care staff and residents.

One last hurrah?

There is talk that this evening will be the last #clapforourcarers so that the ritual doesn’t reach fatigue. So, this evening, we’re asking you to give one HUGE final clap and shout out to all Barley View Staff and all of carers, keyworkers and NHS staff across the country.

The final clap for carers comes as The NHS Track-and-Trace programme for England is expected to start today. The programme aims to track those who have been in close contact with Covid-19 victims and isolate them to stop the chain of transmission.

Next week, we’ll report on what this means for Barley View and how Track and Trace will make a difference.

In the meantime, keep safe everyone!

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