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Barley Buzz

Posted on 11 June 2020

Cue a good break!

Where are we now?

Most of you will see that the government continues to develop social easing. I am sure, like us, you are wondering what that means for our service and most importantly our wonderful residents.

One of the main themes of our latest resident’s zoom meeting was when families will be able to visit their loved ones. In truth, we don’t yet know when we will open our doors to visitors as this will come when both the government guidance gives us this option and ourselves and our families feel confident with this.

However, what we will begin to introduce is small steps of contact when the time is right. The feedback we have received from our families has been that it is too soon and that we must only open when it is safe to do so. In this matter, we are grateful for your support and agree with you completely.

Lancashire County Council guidance has been issued this week around social visits to care homes. It emphasises that visits should only be facilitated when absolutely essential. Even then, several measures must be in place to accommodate these exceptional visits. Should this be the case for our residents/families then we have a robust risk assessment in place and procedures for a controlled outside socially distanced visit and will work with each family/resident to facilitate. We are also exploring our options around the garden and grounds and what we could implement to facilitate external visits – your ideas are on this are most welcome!

What’s been happening?

Our snooker table is finally here having been lost during lockdown. The table has proved a great hit with a number of our residents and there is a healthy competition developing! Our residents have also become rather keen on quizzes, and generally beat the staff with their inspiring knowledge!

BV continues to have a happy vibrant atmosphere. We’re confident that we are moving in the right direction and small steps will be critical to any decisions made.

We’re now offering virtual tours! So, If you know someone who would like to come and live at Barley View, please get in touch. We can also arrange an outdoor tour and a socially distanced meet with our manager. We currently have one room on our residential household (Forest Grove) and one room on our dementia household (Willow Lane). Contact Jane on 01706 659917 for further information.

As always our heartfelt thanks are with you all and we remain committed to ensuring your loved ones are looked after and cared for with lots of laughter thrown in!

Get In Touch

To truly get a feel for what makes Barley View unique, we highly recommend seeing it for yourself.

To arrange a virtual or physical tour of our home, please give us a call on 01706659917  or email

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