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Barley Buzz

Posted on 20 August 2020

Inside Alcatraz – The Resident’s View

Recently, I sat down (remotely) with Joan (age 84) and Stanley (age 91.8…his words), two of our residents here at Barley View. I wanted to get a feel for the mood inside the home from the people for whom lockdown has been especially isolating.

After an initial chat with Joan, Stanley was on-hand to offer some further insight. So, here’s what they had to say.

How long have you been a BV resident? 12 months [staff correcting: 8 months]. Oh, it feels a lot longer! [laughing]

Can you tell us a bit about yourself Joan? I used to work as a nurse at Burnley general hospital. I worked there for about thirty years. I was born in Brierfield then moved up to Reedley. Then, when my husband died, my granddaughter wanted me to move down this way, which I did.

What is your favourite thing about Barley View? – Well the staff for a start off, they’re very good. Well most of them are anyway [laughing]. [staff: we haven’t paid her to say that!] No, they’re very good the staff actually. No complaints at all.

How have you found the last few months? – Like being in Alcatraz you can’t go out, you can’t do anything. My granddaughter lives up the road but she can’t come in and my grandson can’t come in. But hopefully things will get better.

What are you most looking forward to once lockdown is lifted? – When I can go out and see them. Because we used to go out and do some shopping and things but now we’re all locked in aren’t we.

How do you feel about the current situation? – Well there’s not much I can say about it. I mean we’re stuck in here aren’t we when I’d much rather be out and doing things. But the staff are really good. I can’t fault them at all, they really are good.

Have you been able to keep in touch with your relatives/loved ones? –  I can go down the back and look through the window. They come and see me just by the front so I can lean over the window and they can talk to me. At least I can see somebody. Because when I came at first they used to come in and keep me company you know. My grandson thought it were great when he was sat up on my bed, being able to see the television.

What have been the positives from lockdown? – I’ve definitely made some good friends.

How have you been passing the time and do you have any tips for keeping busy during lockdown? – (Stanley) Time doesn’t drag, I’m too busy chatting to everyone. In fact, the nice people are my favourite thing at Barley View. I like to see people smiling, so I have a pocketful of sweets and every time someone helps me, I give them a sweet.

Have the staff at Barley View made you feel safe?  – (Stanley) The staff here are brilliant, they make me feel really safe.

What’s the mood inside Barley View? – (Stanley) The mood in Barley View isn’t sad, it’s really happy.

While the last few months have certainly been difficult, both residents sounded upbeat and plenty of laughs were shared!

As local restrictions continue, we urge everyone to do their part to keep COVID at bay. Our residents can’t wait to see their families, you can help.

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